Investor Invitation

Explore Your Next
Investment Opportunity

For investors

Discover Exclusive Investment Opportunities

8th Fund offers investors free access to high-potential Start-Ups by invitation only.

We believe in connecting the right Start-Ups with the right investors, and our
invite-only model ensures a curated network of engaged, experienced individuals.

How It Works


Invitation Required

Access to 8th Fund is by invitation only. This ensures the highest quality network of investors and Start-Ups.


Activate Your Access

If you’ve received an invite, simply follow the link to unlock your free membership.


Request an Invite

Fill in the form below to be considered for access. We’ll review your request to ensure it aligns with our network and investment opportunities.

Ready to Join the Inner Circle?

To explore opportunities that match your expertise, please fill in the form below. We’ll assess your details and, if aligned, provide you with access to our exclusive network and investment opportunities.